Celebrate the spirit of the season with elegance through our Red Velvet Joy Bouquet. Revel in the charming blend of Roses, Amaryllis, Celosias, Gerberas, and luxurious greenery. The opulent reds, lush greens, and velvety blooms come together, forming a flawless centerpiece for your festive gatherings.
- The photo shown is the £65 bouquet.
Rest assured, our bouquets will be elegantly wrapped in the signature packaging from Flowers and Pots Boutique.
Our Hand-Tied Bouquets may have minor adjustments due to seasonal changes and availability. While we strive to maintain the same flower selection, there might be variations to ensure the highest quality and aesthetic appeal.
For those seeking specific flower preferences or desiring personalised service, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at 01323.897082 or on WhatsApp Business at +44 (0) 7718130826. At Flowers and Pots Boutique, we are dedicated to going the extra mile to assist you in creating a truly memorable floral experience.